The Nottingham Rowing Club Masters who were not on holiday went to the river regatta at Ross on Wye. Traditionally the last river regatta of the season held over two days. The camp site is split into “lively site” and the next field is “family site”. The whole town comes down to the river to watch and enjoy the days.
The day started badly as the trailer they were going to use had a wheel locked by the brakes. However they used the larger one that was available. It rained the whole way down but it stopped as they approached Ross. It was at this point that they realised that they had not got enough fuel to get home! The regatta fields were turning into a bog so the car and trailer slid into its allocated spot, getting out proved to be even more fun.
As for the row that went really well. The four lads and Claire their cox had joined up with the Bewdley boys again to enter Masters G eights (over 65) however, the regatta announced that they could only row as Masters F (60 year olds) against a Masters E crew (55 year olds) from Stafford. This effectively meant the crew’s handicap was reduced from 8 seconds to 4 seconds start. Once the race started it very quickly became apparent that the Nottingham/Bewdley crew were the stronger combination and they powered down the course to win comfortably in a time of 1 minute 40 seconds which was the quickest time of the day and much faster than their row at Stourport but there was more stream.